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Who Are We?

Why Red Pill Labs?

Based in Vancouver, BC, Red Pill Labs is a technology advisory firm with an agnostic approach. Our team boasts extensive expertise in advisory, technology, digitization, and problem-solving. What sets us apart is not only the diverse perspectives of our experienced team but also our shared passion for social impact. With a track record of optimizing operations for numerous organizations, you can rely on our seasoned team to tackle your business challenges, regardless of their scale.

Our Services

Human Capital Management

Companies who complete our Dayforce Health Checks unlock new capabilities for maximum efficiency. Our tailored approach helps to fine-tune your processes, ensures your data outputs turn into strategic insights, and strives to make your HR operations smart and streamlined.


Business advisory is not just in our DNA, it’s the reason we get out of bed every morning. If you have a business problem, we are here to listen. Partner with us to help build trust in your people, processes, and systems, and achieve your unique vision for the future.

Software Selection

Our team has completed well over 300 software selection engagements. Our proven methodology, industry experience, and vendor relationships are invaluable as you start your digital transformation journey.


Strategy, fundamentally, is about decision-making. Your strategy serves as the roadmap that helps your business achieve success. Learn how Red Pill Labs can help you craft a strategy tailored to your unique goals and challenges.

Project Management

Having the right team supporting your key initiatives is critical to success. Don’t leave your project’s fate in the hands of inexperienced resources. Learn how our PMO office help support businesses for success.

Change Management

We partner with your team to plan, lead, and implement lasting change in a holistic and inclusive way. Understand what’s working today, uncover potential barriers to change, and illuminate the future state vision in a way that aligns, engages, and motivates...

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