Software Selection

Find the Right Software Easier and Faster

The Software Selection team at Red Pill Labs can help when you need:

  • To rely on facts and unbiased advice when assessing the best options for your company

  • A proven software selection approach to lower risk and maximize returns

  • Shorter timelines

Finding the right software can be chaotic! We can help you make it easier to find the right option

Expertise You Can Trust

The Selection Team at Red Pill Labs has successfully completed over 400 software selection projects, including ERP, CRMs, HRIS, and other software platforms. Our team will assess your unique needs and align them with the best options to ensure your future state requirements are met. Our team also guides your decision-making process by evaluating options, negotiating contracts, and mitigating risks associated with implementations.  

Technology Agnostic

Our approach is unbiased and technology-agnostic.  We don’t sell or implement software, which means our priority is to find the right software for your unique business needs faster with less risk and chaos. 

Our Software Selection Process Framework Includes

Understanding Business Requirements

  • Analyzing current state technology architecture

  • Audit current state processes to spot roadblock, areas for optimization and opportunities for automation

  • Gathering and prioritizing a complete list of system requirements

Deliverables include:

Identify Technology Options and Procurement

  • Scanning the market and meet with vendors to develop a short list of solution that align with requirements

  • Developing a short list of vendors for RFP participation

  • Managing the entire RFP process

  • Developing vendor evaluation

  • Managing RFP responses, vendor and/or system integrator demos

Deliverables include:

Coordinate Software Demonstration and Selection

  • Creating demonstration scenarios, demo scripts, and demo scheduling

  • Creating a vendor demo scorecard and report

  • Auditing and advising management on vendor and/or system integrator contracts

  • Assisting in price and contract negotiations

Deliverables include:

After you’ve picked your solution, our project management team is available to help manage the implementation to deliver successful outcomes.

Find The Right Software Easier and Faster

Our Software Selection Team has completed well over 300 projects including ERP, CRM and many other systems.

Our approach will help you reduce the time, complexity, and risk in selecting the right software for your unique business needs.

Sample of Our Favourite Clients

Contact Our Technology Advisory Team Today

Neal Chaudhary

Founder & CEO

James Bradley

Vice President