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Part 2: Famous Implementation Failures & Lessons Learned



5 Famous IT Project Failures (and Lessons Learned)

In part 1, we delved into famous ERP-specific failures and the lessons learned from those projects.

In this part, you may find a common ground between several of these famous failures: a few of the following companies made common mistakes during the software selection process by:

  1. Overlooking feasibility

  2. Going wrong during the requirements gathering process

Additionally, a few of the following projects had issues with proper planning or strategy, Project Management, and/or Change Management.

From projects as recent as 2020 and as far back as 2002, here are 5 famous IT project failures.

1. Morrisons' Payroll System Failure

Overview: In 2020, Morrisons, one of the UK's largest supermarket chains, faced issues after selecting a new payroll software.

What Went Wrong:

  • Insufficient Testing: The new payroll system was not thoroughly tested before going live.

  • Inadequate Support: There was a lack of support and training for employees on the new system.

  • Data Migration Issues: Problems with data migration led to incorrect pay calculations for thousands of employees.


Morrisons had to deal with widespread employee dissatisfaction, legal issues, and significant reputational damage. The company faced costs associated with rectifying payroll errors and compensating affected staff.

Lessons Learned

  • Thorough Testing is Essential: Rushing to go live without comprehensive testing can lead to widespread issues. Conducting extensive pre-launch testing would have caught the payroll errors.

  • Data Migration Planning: Data migration needs careful planning and execution. Ensuring that data is accurately transferred to new systems avoids calculation errors that impact employee pay.

  • Employee Training & Support: Without adequate training and support for employees, new systems can create confusion, inefficiency, and resistance, especially when handling sensitive processes like payroll.

2. Revlon's SAP S/4HANA Implementation Failure

Background: In 2018, Revlon, the multinational cosmetics company, implemented SAP S/4HANA to streamline its operations.

What Went Wrong:

  • Scope Creep: The project's scope expanded beyond initial plans, increasing complexity.

  • Inadequate Change Management: Revlon did not effectively manage the changes associated with the new system, leading to user resistance.

  • Integration Issues: The software had significant integration problems with existing systems.


Revlon faced major supply chain disruptions, resulting in missed sales and a significant drop in stock price. The company also dealt with legal repercussions from investors due to the project's failure.

Lessons Learned

  • Avoid Scope Creep: Clearly define the project’s scope at the outset and control any changes. Expanding beyond initial plans adds complexity and delays.

  • Effective Change Management is Crucial: A robust change management strategy helps mitigate user resistance. Ensure that employees understand and accept the new systems to avoid productivity loss.

  • Ensure Integration Compatibility: Before implementation, assess how well the new system integrates with existing technologies to avoid disruptions to operations.

3. National Health Service (NHS) IT Failure

Overview:The UK’s NHS launched a £12.7 billion project in 2002 to create a centralized electronic health record system for patients across England.

What Went Wrong:

  • Complexity and Scope: The project's scope was overly ambitious, aiming to integrate hundreds of systems across numerous organizations.

  • Poor Vendor Management: Multiple vendors were involved, leading to coordination issues and inconsistent progress.

  • Resistance to Change: Healthcare providers were resistant to adopting the new system, preferring their existing processes.


The project was eventually abandoned in 2011 after spending £10 billion, with little to show in terms of results. It was one of the most expensive IT failures in history.

Lessons Learned

  • Manage Scope Realistically: Large-scale projects should be broken down into manageable phases with clear objectives. Overambitious plans can lead to complexity, delays, and failure.

  • Vendor Coordination: Choose vendors carefully and ensure there is effective coordination among them. Fragmented vendor management can lead to inconsistent progress and misaligned goals.

  • Anticipate User Resistance: Engage stakeholders early to understand their needs and ensure that they are willing to adopt the system. Ignoring user feedback can derail even well-planned projects.

4. State of California Court Management System

Overview: California aimed to create a unified court management system (CCMS) to replace the various systems used by its 58 counties.

What Went Wrong:

  • Underestimation of Costs: Initial cost estimates were vastly underestimated, with the project eventually costing $500 million.

  • Inadequate Stakeholder Engagement: Judges and court staff were not adequately involved in the planning process, leading to a lack of support.

  • Technical Challenges: The system faced numerous technical difficulties, including integration problems with existing systems.


The project was terminated in 2012 after a decade of development, leaving the state with significant financial losses and no functional system.

Lessons Learned

  • Accurate Cost Estimation: Underestimating project costs can lead to budget overruns and project termination. Ensure that thorough cost estimations are performed and adjusted as needed.

  • Engage Stakeholders: Involving judges, court staff, and other stakeholders from the outset helps build support and ensure the system meets their needs.

  • Tackle Technical Challenges Early: Identify and address technical challenges early in the project to avoid costly and complex issues down the road.

5. Walmart's Integration Failure

Overview: In 2016, Walmart acquired for $3.3 billion to bolster its e-commerce capabilities and compete with Amazon. However, integrating’s technology into Walmart’s existing systems proved challenging.

What Went Wrong:

  • Integration Complexity: The integration process was more complex than anticipated, leading to delays and disruptions.

  • Cultural Misalignment: Differences in company cultures between Walmart and caused friction and hindered collaboration.

  • Strategic Missteps: Walmart underestimated the strategic challenges of merging two different e-commerce platforms.


Walmart eventually shut down in 2020, after realizing that the integration was not yielding the expected synergies. The failure to integrate effectively resulted in financial losses and setbacks in Walmart's e-commerce strategy.

Lessons Learned

  • Plan for Complex Integrations: Mergers and acquisitions involving technology require detailed planning. The complexities of integrating different platforms should be accounted for, with proper timelines and resources allocated.

  • Cultural Alignment is Key: Ensure that company cultures are aligned before and during integration. Differences in how companies operate can hinder collaboration and progress.

  • Realistic Strategic Goals: Set realistic expectations for the strategic benefits of an acquisition. Failure to accurately assess the challenges can lead to missed opportunities and financial losses.

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